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FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 46

Writer's picture: FNNDSCFNNDSC

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Upcoming events:

Pediatric Academic Societies | Call for Abstracts, August 31, 2023 - January 1, 2024 6th Annual ASPNR Meeting, San Diego, CA

January 12 - 14, 2024

February 28 - March 2, 2024

Registration Open – Early Bird Rates!

Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society - Fetal Neurology Webinar Series


New FNNDSC Member(s)

Please welcome Graduate Student, Wievineke Apers!

Wievineke Apers is a Pediatric Resident from the Netherlands, doing a PhD on persistent ductus arteriosus in extremely premature infants. She is focusing on neurodevelopmental aspects, looking into long term outcomes and neuro-cardiovascular hemodynamics using non-invasive cardiac output monitoring and near infrared spectroscopy. She will be working with the NIRS team for six months, assessing neuro-cardiovascular hemodynamic and cerebral oxygen metabolism in neonates undergoing procedural closure of a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).


Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

As a reminder, Boston Children’s Hospital requires influenza and COVID vaccination of all W2 employees and Associated Personnel with on-site access by November 17th. If you are in a role that is classified as fully remote, you are exempt from receiving the vaccinations.

1. Getting a Flu and COVID Vaccine at BCH -- Boston Children’s Hospital is offering a walk-in clinic again this year.

a. If you are clinical faculty/staff, you can receive your flu vaccine from the designated nurse on the NICU. Unit based vaccination will not be an option for the COVID vaccine.

b. Please check this site for the flu & COVID clinic schedules at BCH and satellite locations:

· Consent forms will be completed at the flu clinic once you arrive. You do not need to complete a consent form beforehand this year.

2. Getting a Flu or COVID Vaccine Elsewhere -- If you plan to get either vaccine at your doctor’s office, a clinic, or pharmacy, please submit documentation to OHS. Documentation is required this year and attestation forms will not be offered.

a. Send documentation of your flu or COVID vaccination to

• If you received a flu or COVID vaccine in Massachusetts (but OUTSIDE of BCH), your vaccination record is in the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS). BCH OHS can access this. Please email a request for this with your name, date of birth and ID number for this to

• If you received a flu or COVID vaccine outside of Massachusetts, you are required to send the proof of your vaccination to Documentation should include: Full name, date of birth, date of vaccination, and type of vaccine received.

More detailed information about the exemption process can be found here.


FNNDSC Studies Currently Recruiting

The HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study is recruiting people who are pregnant. We hope to learn how early life experiences can shape how a child develops.

Families are asked to participate in activities once during pregnancy, and across several visits during early childhood. Study activities include:

• Surveys about daily experiences

• Biological samples like saliva from you and your child

• Interactive activities for you and your child

• Pictures of your child’s brain

• Wearable sensors to measure your child’s heartbeat and movement

• Physical measurements of your child’s growth

If you're interested in joining this exciting study, you can learn more at, or contact We would love to have you and your family be a part of this important research!


FNNDSC Wellness Club

FNNDSC Running Club

Thursdays at 4:00pm

Meet outside Trillium by the Landmark Doors!

401 Park Drive, Boston, MA 02215

All paces welcome ~ 3 mile run

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to or


Brain Games 🧠 📝



If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at:



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