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FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 73


Upcoming Events

October 20: Dr. Banu Ahtam's talk on "MEG/EEG in pediatric epilepsy: clinical and research studies at Boston Children’s Hospital"

October 19: Mukund's presentation on "Using line-scan MRI at 7T with 250-micron radial resolution to study cortical architecture in the living human brain"

Zoom meeting information:

Password: 759110

Or dial in from your telephone: Internally: x28882 Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary) 408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)

Or iPhone one-tap: +16465588656,,93881363883# or +14086380968,,93881363883#

Meeting ID: 938 8136 3883

October 22: Biweekly Lecture Series, Heather’s presentation on fMRI with awake infants

Zoom meeting information:

Password: 506661

Or dial in from your telephone: Internally: x28882 Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary) 408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)

Or iPhone one-tap: +16465588656,,96229980849# or +14086380968,,96229980849#

Meeting ID: 962 2998 0849

American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) abstract submission deadline: November 1

The Society for Pediatric Radiology abstract submission deadline: October 27


Welcome New Employees to the FNNDSC!

Isabella Castillo graduated from Suffolk University in 2021 with a B.A. in Economics. Prior to joining the FNNDSC, she volunteered extensively at a Harvard Medical School-affiliated mobile health clinic and interned at MGHIHP, where she partook in research that examined the rhythmic processing abilities in adults with aphasia. She currently works as a Clinical Research Assistant and is part of the HEALthy Brain and Child Development study, a multi-site initiative that assesses how prenatal and perinatal exposures to substances and environments may alter developmental trajectories. Isabella plans to attend medical school and pursue a career in internal medicine and pediatrics.

Henry Pehr graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2020 with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Neuroscience. Here at FNNDSC, he will be working with MRI data processing, management, and method development. He previously performed undergraduate research at Chapel Hill related to MRI cortical surface reconstruction. Outside of work, Henry loves reading and rock climbing. He also hopes to continue his education in the future.



2021 Boston Children’s Hospital Fellowships, Research, Medical Education, and Program Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Eleonora Tamilia, a recipient of the 2021 OFD/BTREC/CTREC Career Development Fellowship Award! This is awarded to 13 Junior faculty. Its purpose is to provide transitional funding for Instructors and assistant professors to enhance research productivity during the early critical years of an academic research career. The awards will support resources for research including supplies, salary (PI and/or research assistant), or other requests, upon review, that will contribute to the individual’s academic career development.


Flu Vaccination

The influenza vaccine campaign for staff begins today! It is required that all Boston Children’s W-2 employees, medical staff, research staff, students, and contracted staff be vaccinated against the flu, no later than October 30, 2021 (with the exception of those with approved religious or medical exemptions).


Brain Games



If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at:



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