FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 8
Upcoming Events:
Women in Science Symposium
SAVE the DATE: Women in Science Symposium April 3, 2023
In-person at Harvard Medical School Armenise Amphitheater and by Zoom.
PAS 2023| April 27 - May 1, 2023
OHBM 2023 Annual Meeting: July 22, 2023 - July 26, 2023
Flux 2023 | Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country
September 6, 2023 – Pre-Conference Workshops & Trainee Sessions
September 6-9, 2023 – Flux Congress
52nd Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting | Vancouver, BC, Canada on Wednesday, October 4- Saturday, October 7, 2023
SIIM23 Annual Meeting + InformaticsTECH Expo | Austin, TX on June 14-16
Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society - Fetal Neurology Webinar Series
Helpful Links ▴ Research Computing Data Management ▴ Research Computing Self Portal ▴ Research Announcements & News ▴ Office of Sponsored Programs Updates ▴ Funding Opportunities and Links ▴ Staff Resources - Covid-19 ▴ Covid Vaccine FAQs
New FNNDSC Member(s):
Please welcome Hyeokjin Kwon!
Hyeokjin Kwon is a graduate student from Hanyang University of Seoul, Republic of Korea. He is working with Dr. Kiho Im on development of an algorithm for analyzing human brain's sulcal pattern by utilizing graph neural networks.
Please welcome Aubrey MacMillan!
Aubrey received her Bachelor's in Sciences from the University of Texas Austin where she majored in Human Biology and Human Development and Family Sciences with an emphasis in Early Childhood Development. During that time she supported multiple projects in affiliation with Dell Children's Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric Clinic dedicated to developmental service provision for children with histories of adverse childhood experiences. Her role at FNNDSC as a Clinical Research Assistant and Study Navigator for the HBCD Study centers around facilitating participant and family relationships and collecting data on infantile neurocognitive development. Aubrey hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology in the future.
FNNDSC Studies Currently Recruiting
You may be eligible to participate in the pilot study of the Healthy Brain and Child Development Study! The pilot study involves 1-2 visits to give feedback on study activities about child development. Study activities include questionnaires, biological sampling, parent-child play tasks, and child brain assessments. All study assessments and procedures will be provided free of charge. You will be compensated for your time spent participating in the study and for transportation costs. Please email hbcd@childrens.harvard.edu or call 617-919-1726 for more information.
For more information: HBCD Flyer
Brain Games 🧠 📝
If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at: winona.bruce-baiden@childrens.harvard.edu